Terms and Conditions

  1. Paxelin Club Terms and Conditions
  1. Term & Condition Go-Send Intercity
  1. Paxel Recycle Term and Condition
  1. Terms & Conditions
  2. Definition
  3. Goods/Packages Provisions
  4. General Provisions
  5. Compensation
  6. Prohibited Goods
  7. Delivery Cost
  8. Ownership Warranty
  9. PAXEL Account Ownership Warranty
  10. Intellectual Property Rights
  11. Questions or Complaints
  12. Law and Dispute Settlement
  13. Other Provisions
  1. Term and Condition
  1. Terms and Conditions
  2. Introduction
  3. Definitions
  4. Conditions for Goods/Packages
  5. General Terms
  6. Prohibited Items
  7. Delivery Fee
  8. Goods Ownership Warranty
  9. Paxel Account Ownership Warranties
  10. Intellectual Property Rights
  11. Compensation
  12. Questions or Complaints
  13. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
  14. Miscellaneous
  1. Terms & Conditions for Paxel Instant Multidrop
  2. Introduction
  3. Definition
  4. Goods/Packages Provisions
  5. Prohibited Goods
  6. Delivery Cost
  7. Goods Ownership Warranty
  8. Paxel Account Ownership Warranties
  9. Intellectual Property Rights
  10. Compensation
  11. Questions or Complaints
  12. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
  13. Miscellaneous
  1. Terms and Conditions

Paxelin Club Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions set forth below (hereinafter referred to as the "T&C") apply, agreed upon, and are deemed to have been accepted and/or approved by you as a Paxel Application Customer who has agreed to the PaxelinClub program when you use Paxel services (as defined below) during joining PaxelinClub program (“Service”).

General Provisions 

1. PaxelinClub is a program from Paxel for Paxel Users who have fulfilled the program as per terms and conditions set by Paxel.

2. The Customer can register their Paxel account to become a PaxelinClub member and free to choose a package as stated in these T&C. 

3. The PaxelinClub program has 2 (two) package options namely Silver and Gold which can be access at (difference between Paxelin Club Silver and Gold packages).

4. The Customers can enjoy the benefits of the PaxelinClub program after being declared by Paxel to have officially joined PaxelinClub membership. The benefits that the Customer get can be access at (difference between Paxelin Club Silver and Gold packages).

5. The Customer agree to comply with all provisions related to the implementation of the PaxelinClub program from Paxel and acknowledges that Paxel has full authority over the implementation and/or PaxelinClub program and any changes deemed necessary by Paxel.

6. The Customer hereby releases Paxel (along with all Directors, Commissioners, officers, employees, and/or Paxel affiliates) from the obligation to pay all fees, penalties/fines and/or compensation and demands in any form for the following:

  1. Errors caused by the Customer himself when selecting the PaxelinClub program.
  2. Data and information discrepancies provided by the customer while participating in the PaxelinClub program.
  3. Material and immaterial losses suffered by the Customer as a result of the Customer's non-compliance in following the T&C program that has been determined by Paxel.

7. Paxel has the right to take action deemed necessary if the User and/or the Customer violates any of the provisions contained in these T&Cs including the standard procedures for the PaxelinClub program set by Paxel. 

Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images related to the PaxelinClub program both digitally and in-print are entirely owned by Paxel, and cannot be used and acknowledged by any party or for any purposes. 


● Paxel is responsible for compensating for material losses suffered by the Customer due to non-compliance with the PaxelinClub program caused by Paxel's own fault.


Paxel is not responsible for commercial, financial and direct losses and/or indirect losses, consequential losses, other losses of any kind or damage caused by Force Majeure. What is mean by Force Majeure (Force Majeure) is an event that occurs beyond the ability and control of Paxel such as natural disasters, earthquakes, landslides, floods, flash floods, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, eruptions, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, pandemics, riots, sabotage, wars, coups, rebellions, Government policies, communication network failures or termination of application systems and/or information technology infrastructure (IT Infrastructure) systems, internet network failures or communication line or network failures resulting in obstructions programs, failures and/or losses or events that occur beyond Paxel's control which result in the Service not being able to be carried out, and therefore Paxel is released from claims for compensation and Paxel is released from lawsuits/claims of any kind due to Force Majeure.

Questions or Complaints

If the Customer has questions or complaints, you can submit them through conversation with HERA via the Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via direct message on PAXEL Instagram. 

Law and Dispute Resolution

All disputes arising from the implementation of these T&C or disputes related to the Service will be resolved by deliberation to reach a consensus, if no consensus is reached, the User/the Customer and Paxel can resolve the dispute through legal channels and choose a permanent legal domicile at the East Jakarta District Court.

Other Provisions

  • These T&C are governed and interpreted by the laws in Indonesia.
  • Sender agrees that Paxel has the right to terminate these T&C immediately after it is stated that there is a violation of these T&C. To avoid doubts, terminating these T&Cs does not oblige Paxel to provide compensation or compensation in any form as long as the Customer and/or Account Owner comply with all the provisions set out in these T&Cs.
  • Paxel, the Customers and/or the User expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Civil Code as long as it is necessary to terminate these T&Cs without requiring a court decision beforehand.
  • If one of the provisions in these T&C becomes invalid or legally unenforceable, the other provisions shall apply and will not be affected.
  • Paxel can change, revise, modify the T&C at any time according to the business needs required by Paxel, as long as it does not violate applicable laws and regulations and moral norms.

Term & Condition Go-Send Intercity

This Next-Day Inter-City Goods Delivery Service is a cooperation between Gojek and PAXEL. By using this Service, You agree to be subject to the following T&C of PAXEL, and acknowledge that Gojek Application is only a platform that brings together you and PAXEL.



The T&C as set out below (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) apply, are agreed and considered as accepted and/or consented by You as the goods sender (“Sender”) at the time you use PAXEL services (as defined below) for Next-Day Inter-City Goods and/or Package delivery process (“Service”).



  • PT Paxel Algorita Unggul (“PAXEL”) is a company established under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • PAXEL is a courier company with a Postal service license and is application-based which has been registered and obtained license from the Ministry of Information and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia.



Goods/Package” are goods, letters, documents and any types of goods that can be delivered by PAXEL in accordance with these T&C and the prevailing laws and regulations.

Recipient” is a party that is listed to receive Goods/Package. 
Hero” is PAXEL’s courier or partner having duties to do Goods/Package delivery process.  


Goods/Packages Provisions

Package size and weight limitation

The Package size and weight limitation consists of three (3) types, namely: 

Small size

  • Dimensional limitation: 20 cm x 11 cm x 7 cm
  • Weight limitation: 5 (five) kilogram

Medium size

  • Dimensional limitation: 30 cm x 20 cm x 12 cm
  • Weight limitation: 5 (five) kilogram

Big size

  • Dimensional limitation: 35 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm
  • Weight limitation: 5 (five) kilogram

The permitted deviation is 10% (ten percent) from the weight limitation and/or dimensional limitation. 



Sender shall pack its Goods appropriately, properly and in closed condition to protect the Goods during the delivery process. PAXEL has no responsibility to protect the Goods during the delivery process. PAXEL is not liable for any damages to the Goods as a result of improper or inadequate packaging.


Proof of pick-up

Sender agrees to put the Sender’s digital signature as a part of the proof of pick-up by Hero.


Pick-up and delivery time

The time limitation for Hero to do pick-up and delivery of Goods/Packages is within 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 


Type of Goods

Sender is not allowed to send the type of Goods listed in the Prohibited Goods as stipulated on this TnC.. 


General Provisions

  • PAXEL reserves the rights to know the content of the goods delivered by the Sender.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to check the Goods and put bubble wrap on Goods/Packages which are categorized as Fragile Goods which have not been adequately packaged.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to re-checki the dimension and weight of the Package/Goods.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to check the appropriateness of packaging to be delivered.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to refuse Goods/Packages which packaging is deemed by PAXEL as inappropriate or does not comply with PAXEL’s policy and the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • PAXEL is not liable for deliveries that are inconsistent with the statement and/or information stated and/or provided by the Sender through Gojek Application and/or included as any type of Prohibited Goods.
  • The security and packaging of the delivered Goods/Packages are the sole responsibility of the Sender.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to refuse a delivery if the waiting time for the pick-up process of Goods/Packageis more than 10 (ten) minutes.
  • The Sender agrees to provide the Sender’s and Recipient’s data information through Gojek Application in a complete and correct manner (name, city, sub-district, village, postal code and phone number).
  • The Sender waives PAXEL from any liabilities on penalties and/or compensation due to:
  1. Loss of Goods/Packages, if the Sender provides incorrect data information regarding the Recipient, however, the Goods/Packages have been received by the Recipient.
  2. The damage to the content of Package or Goods, in the event that there is no damage to the Package’s seal at the time of receipt by the Recipient.
  3. The damage to the content of Goods/Package, in the event of inconsistency between the actual Package/Goods and the description of Goods provided.
  4. Inconsistent statement, if the Sender provides statement on the content of Goods/Packages which is inconsistent with the type of goods mentioned on Gojek application.
  5. Any claims from other parties and/or the authorized parties, if the content of package delivered through PAXEL is not consistent with the statement from the Sender and then in contrary to the prevailing laws and regulations.
  6. Any delay, loss, damages, if any cost is incurred as a result of the Sender’s negligence and fault in complying with the obligations as regulated in these T&C and other provisions set out by PAXEL.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to collect and/or deliver the Goods/Packages through the routes, methods, procedures and networks owned by PAXEL.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to take steps deemed necessary after finding any violation to the provisions contained in these T&C immediately, including to perform the Delivery Standard regulated in these T&C.


Prohibited Goods

PAXEL does not accept the delivery of Goods/Packages prohibited by the provisions of PAXEL and the provision of Law No. 38 Year 2009 on Postal Services, namely:

  1. Prohibited Goods, including but not limited to:
    • Money (cash, coins, foreign currency money);
    • Narcotics, marijuana, morphine, other addictive products;
    • Pornography in any form;
    • Delivery with longer duration than the required transit time.
    • Living animals and plants;
    • Easily-broken foodstuffs and beverages requiring freezer or controlled environment;
    • Explosives, guns, weapons, and the parts of them;
    • Gambling devices and lottery tickets;
    • Goods controlled by the government;
    • Goods resulting from criminal acts, for example hot goods and so on; and/or
    • Other goods prohibited by the prevailing laws and regulations.
  2. Extraordinary Goods, including but not limited to:
    • Art works, including the works made or worked using skills, crafts or creative talents for sale, exhibition or collection, including but not limited to goods (and the parts of them) such as paintings, drawings, vases, carpets;
    • Movies, photo images, including photographic negative film, photographic chromes, photographic slides;
    • Commodities which are naturally fragile to damage, or have variable or uncertain market value;
    • Antique items, commodities showing fashion or mode from the past in which the history, age and scarcity are invaluable. These items include but not limited to furniture, eating utensils. glasses, and collection goods such as coins, stamps;
    • Glassware in the form of jewelries, including jewelry costumes, wrist watches and the parts of them, diamonds or precious stones (precious or semi-precious stones), industrial polished diamonds and jewelries made of precious metals;
    • Animal feathers, including but not limited to feather clothes, clothes with feathered trimming and leather.
    • Precious Metals, including but not limited to, gold and silver bars or powders, deposit or platinum (except as an integral part of electronic machines);
    • Prepaid Phone Card (Mobile Phone Voucher);
    • Stamps, excise upon liquor, stamp duty; and/or
    • Gold Coins (shall be packed with coin header or Safe-T Mailer and shall be kept away one another or wrapped in the layered materials.
  3. Valuable Goods and Documents, including but not limited to:
    • Ownership Certificate or Freehold Title Certificate (SHM) and Right to Build Certificate (HGB);
    • Proof of Motor Vehicle Ownership (BPKB), Pass Certificate, Passport;
    • Bank Certificate, Bond Deposit, Other Goods we define as Valuable Documents; and/or
    • Goods having value more than IDR 10,000,000 (ten million Rupiahs).
  4. Alcoholic beverages.
  5. Goods exceeding the vehicle loading capacity.


Delivery Cost

  • PAXEL has set the Service rate as stated on Gojek Aplication and inclusive of insurance premium on the Goods/Package.
  • The delivery fee imposed by PAXEL is inclusive of Value-Added TAX (VAT).


Ownership Warranty

  • The Sender warrants that the Goods/Packages submitted and/or delivered through PAXEL have comply in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Sender releases PAXEL from any form of claims from any parties upon violation to the ownership warranty of Goods/Package delivered through PAXEL.


Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images related to PAXEL both in digital and printed media shall not be used and acknowledged by any parties and for any purposes, except with a written approval from PAXEL.



  • PAXEL is liable to compensate the losses experienced by the Sender or Recipient resulting from the damage and/or loss to the Goods if:
  1. The damage, loss and/or defects to Goods are caused by the actual default and/or negligence of Hero and/or PAXEL;
  2. The Goods submitted by the Sender to Hero to be delivered have been completed with proper and appropriate packaging to prevent the Goods from being damaged due to reasonable movement of vehicles driven by Hero during the delivery; and
  3. there are no hidden defects to the Goods.
  • The sender shall submit claim application through customerservice@gojek.com or through phone to (021) 5084900 or through “Help” feature in Gojek Application, no later than 3 (three) Calendar Days after the Goods/Package is received by the Recipient.
  • PAXEL shall not be liable for any commercial, financial, other indirect damages caused by anything outside the control of PAXEL or other indirect losses including damages due to Force Majeure such as earthquake, natural disaster, riot, flood, epidemic, war, revolution, rebellion, Government policy and other causes outside the control of PAXEL.
  • PAXEL is cooperating with a third-party insurance service provider to provide insurance coverage for Goods/Packages during service. Provisions regarding the provision of insurance and compensation of services are fully regulated by the insurance service provider through the Term and Condition of PAXEL.
  • Guarantee for the provision of compensation as stated in the points is divided into several categories below:
  1. The sender is responsible for protecting the Goods/Packages with adequate insurance and covering the applicable premiums.
  2. Compensation for Goods/Packages which have been added to insurance by the Sender is in accordance with the applicable insurance provisions in PAXEL. If the sender does not add the insurance feature, then the compensation for lost or damaged Goods/Packages is a maximum of 10x (ten times) Shipping costs or the price of the goods is taken the lowest value with a maximum replacement value of Rp1,000,000 (One Million Rupiah).
  3. If the sender adds an insurance feature to the delivery of Goods/Packages, the compensation for lost or damaged is a maximum of IDR 10,000,000 (ten tens of millions of rupiah) or the lowest value of the goods will be taken.
  4. Especially for documents, the maximum compensation is IDR 100,000 (one hundred thousand rupiahs). For the document which has been insured, the compensation is IDR 2,000,000 (Two Million Rupiah) in accordance with the amount of the new document. The documents in this Term and Condition are KTP, Driver's License, Diploma, Certificate, Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Certificate, Death Certificate, including but not limited to contract documents and tender documents. PAXEL has the right to determine the category of documents that can be claimed by PAXEL.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt, the Sender and/or the Account Owner understands that PAXEL doesn’t act as an agent or representative of a third-party insurance service provider and is not a party to an agreement for the provision of insurance between the Sender and/or the Account Owner and third-party insurance service provider.


Complaints and Questions

If Sender has questions or complaints related to the goods or document delivered through PAXEL, the Sender may submit any questions or complaints through customerservice@gojek.com or via phone to (021) 5084900 or through “Help” feature in the Gojek Application.


Law and Dispute Settlement

  • All disputes arising from the performance of the T&C and services provided by PAXEL with the Sender will be settled by deliberation and amicable settlement, unless it is deemed necessary to proceed to legal procedures and the laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia.
  • The Dispute Settlement as set out in this point, upon the services and T&C regulated, is determined and set by PAXEL to be settled through the jurisdiction of East Jakarta District Court.


Other Provisions

  • These T&C are regulated and interpreted by the laws applicable in Indonesia.
  • The Sender agree that PAXEL reserves the rights to terminate these T&C immediately after the it is declared that there is a violation to these T&C. For the avoidance of doubt, the termination of these T&C shall not oblige PAXEL to provide compensation or indemnification in any form as long as the Sender uses PAXEL delivery services. PAXEL and Sender expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code to the extent it is required to terminate these T&C without any prior court decision.
  • In the event that one of the provisions of these T&C becomes invalid or unenforceable, then the other provision will not be affected.
  • PAXEL may amend, revise, modify these T&C at any time in accordance with the business necessity required by PAXEL.

Paxel Recycle Term and Condition

Terms and Conditions of Paxel Recycle

  1. Paxel Recycle is an inorganic wastes delivery service which is a collaboration between PAXEL and Waste4Change, established in order to make a real contribution in preserving nature and environments.
  2. By agreeing the Terms and Conditions as set out below (hereinafter referred to as “T&Cs”), you have accepted and bound yourself to these T&Cs when using Paxel Recycle features. 


  1. PT Paxel Algorita Unggul (“PAXEL”) is a limited liability company established under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. PAXEL is a registered application-based courier company under Postage Operation License which has obtained approval from the Ministry of Information and Information of the Republic of Indonesia.


Unless expressly stated otherwise in these T&Cs, the terms beginning with a capital letter in these T&Cs shall refer to and be interpreted in accordance with the definitions below:

  1. PAXEL Account” is a medium or platform for recording transactions using PAXEL's Paxel Recycle Service.
  2. “Application” is a website or mobile phone application that can be used by Shipper in making Bags and Goods delivery orders, using "PAXEL" trademark or website under domain name www.paxel.co which is owned by PAXEL.
  3. “Goods” is goods that can be delivered by Shipper to Partner using the Service.
  4. Hero” is PAXEL's courier or partner in charge of picking up Goods at the Pick Up  Location, delivering Bags to Shipper at the Pick Up Location, and delivering Goods to Partner at the Partner's Location.
  5. Services” are Goods delivery services provided by PAU, including but not limited to Picking up Goods by Hero at Pick Up Location, Bags Delivery by Hero to Shipper at Pick Up Locations, and Goods Delivery by Hero to Partner's Locations, under terms and conditions further regulated in these T&Cs.
  6. "Partner's Location" is Partner's waste bank location which is the location for Goods delivery and location available in the Application.
  7. "Pick Up Location" is a location for picking up Goods and delivering Hand Bags by Hero which is determined by Shipper in the Application.
  8. Partner” is PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia (“Waste4Change”).
  9. "Bag" is a packaging bag that must be used by the Shipper to pack the Goods before being handed over to the Hero to be delivered to the Partner's Location. 
  10. Bag Fee” is a fee that must be paid by the Shipper for the purchase of Bags in the Application.
  11. Shipping Fee” is the fee that shall be paid by Shipper to PAXEL for the use of the Service.
  12. Shipper” is you, as the party who makes an order for Bags purchase and Goods delivery through the Application.
  13. Recipient” means PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia (“Waste4Change”).

Conditions for Goods

1. Types of Goods

Goods that can be delivered by Shippers to Partner through PAXEL Application are in the form of inorganic waste with the following classification ("Permitted Goods") other than the Types of Goods mentioned below. You are not allowed to deliver the following Goods using this Service:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Glass bottle
  • Cardboard box 
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Cosmetic waste

2. Weight Limit 

The maximum Goods weight limit that can be delivered by Shipper to Partner is 15 Kg (Kilograms).3. 

3. Goods Packaging

  • Shipper is required to pack the Goods using Bags that can be ordered through the Application.
  • Hero will only pick up Goods packaged using Bags ordered through the Application.

4. Pick Up and Delivery Time

  1. Hero will deliver Bag to Shipper who orders Service according to the schedule stated in the Application.
  2. Hero will pick up the Goods at the Pick Up Location and deliver the Goods to the Partner's Location according to the schedule stated in the Application.

5. Bag and Service Fee

  • PAXEL has determined the Bag Fee as stated in the Application.
  • PAXEL has determined the Shipping Fee for the Service as stated in the Application.
  • Shipping cost for the Service has included Value Added Tax (VAT).

6. Paxel Account Ownership Warranty

  • The Account Owner warrants that the use of Paxel Account is right and does not violate the decency norms and/or applicable laws and regulations.
  • Account Owner guarantees and waives PAXEL from any claims for misuse of Paxel Account.
  • PAXEL has the right to take immediate actions which are deemed necessary without any prior approval from Account Owner in the event of misuse of Paxel Account.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

All Intellectual Property Rights (including but not limited to designs, logos, brands, photos and images) related to Paxel Recycle Services, both digitally and in print, cannot be used and recognized by any party and for any purpose, unless having obtained prior written approval from PAXEL as a Service provider.

8. Compensation

  • No compensation shall be charged to PAXEL beyond the limitations of PAXEL's liability in this Service. The Shipper, Recipient as well as Partner waives PAXEL from any claims for losses, both in part and/or in whole, which are not caused by PAXEL's negligence.
  • Shipping Fees and Bag Fees listed in the Application include compensation guarantees in the event of loss of Goods or damage to Bags ("Loss") during the Goods delivery process resulting in Hero not being able to deliver the Goods to the Partner's Location. Compensation for Losses is the total amount of Shipping Fees and Bag Fees paid by the Shipper ("Compensation").
  • PAXEL shall be responsible for Losses suffered by Shipper, with the following conditions:
  1. Loss of Goods and/or Damage to Bags caused by Hero's mistake and/or negligence;
  2. Goods must be packed using the Bag provided by PAXEL. In the event that Shipper does not use the Bag provided by PAXEL, Shipper cannot claim for Compensation to PAXEL;
  3. The goods delivered by Shipper shall be in the form of Permitted Goods;
  4. At the time the Goods are handed over by Shipper to Hero, the Bags must be in good condition, intact and undamaged.
  • PAXEL shall not responsible for commercial, financial and other indirect losses including losses caused by other matters beyond PAXEL's control or other indirect losses including loss and damage due to Force Majeure such as earthquakes, natural disasters , riots, floods, epidemics, wars, coups, rebellions, government policies and other causes that occur beyond the ability of PAXEL as a service provider.

9. Complaints or Questions

If Shipper has questions or complaints about the Services, Shipper can submit the questions or complaints through PAXEL's Instagram or through PAXEL's WhatsApp business at 085574670318.

10. Law and Dispute Resolution

  • All disputes arising from the implementation of the T&Cs and Paxel Recycle Services ("Disputes"), will be resolved by the parties amicably and in deliberation, unless there are other matters deemed necessary to be continued in the legal proceeding according to the laws and regulations applicable in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Dispute Resolution as regulated in the point above, decided and determined by PAXEL, will be resolved through the jurisdiction of the District Court in East Jakarta.

11. Miscellaneous

  • These T&Cs are regulated and interpreted based on law applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Shipper agrees that PAXEL reseves the right to terminate these T&Cs immediately in the event that violation of these T&Cs is declared. For the avoidance of doubt, the termination of these T&Cs does not require PAXEL to provide compensation in any form as long as the Shipper uses Paxel Recycle Service. PAXEL and Shipper expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Civil Code, so that these T&Cs can be terminated without a court decision.
  • PAXEL may change, revise, modify these T&Cs from time to time according to business needs required during the provision of Paxel Recycle Services.

Terms & Conditions



The Term and Condition as set out below (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) apply, are agreed and considered as accepted and/or consented by the User in this case as the Account Owner User as the goods sender (“Sender”) as well as  the recipient of the goods ("Recipient") sat the time you use PAXEL services (as defined below) for Inter-City and Intra-City Goods and/or Package delivery process (“Service”).


  • PT Paxel Algorita Unggul (“PAXEL”) is a company established under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • PAXEL is a courier company with a Postal service license and is application-based which has been registered and obtained license from the Ministry of Information and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia.


Goods/Package” are goods, letters, documents and any types of goods that can be delivered by PAXEL in accordance with these T&C and the prevailing laws and regulations. 

Hero” is PAXEL’s courier or partner having duties to do Goods/Package delivery process.

“PAXEL Account” is a media or platform for recording transactions using PAXEL delivery services.

Account Owner” shall mean Application User registered on the application system of PAXEL. 

Sender” shall mean a person registered in the Application of PAXEL as the party that sends Goods/Packages.

Receiver” shall mean a person registered in the Application of PAXEL as a party that accepts Goods/Packages. In the process of delivering Goods/Packages, the Sender and the Receiver are inseparable circumstances from the use of PAXEL delivery services.

COP or Cash on Pick Up” shall mean a payment option using cash money paid by the sender for Delivery.

“Shipping Cost” shall mean the fee paid by the Sender for delivery Goods/Packages by PAXEL.

Paxel Credit” shall mean a balance whose value is equal to Rp. 1, - which can be used as a means of payment in the process of delivery of Goods/Packages using PAXEL’s application. 

Top Up Credit” shall mean the addition of the balance amount in Paxel Credit made by inter-bank transfer system (via ATM/Internet Banking), addition via Hero and other media cooperating with PAXEL.

"Hera" is a chat bot provided by Paxel as a feature for users to submit questions or complaints

Goods/Packages Provisions

Package size and weight limitation

a. The Package size and weight limitation consist of three (3) types, namely: 

i. Small size

  • Dimensional limitation : 20cm x 20cm x 8cm
  • Weight limitation :5 (five) kilogram

ii. Medium size 

  • Dimensional limitation : 35cm x 22cm x 12cm
  • Weight limitation : 5 (five) kilogram

iii. Big size

  • Dimensional limitation : 35cm x 30cm x 25cm
  • Weight limitation :5 (five) kilogram

The permitted deviation is 500gram from the weight limitation. 

b. Packaging
The sender must pack the goods properly, properly and in a closed state. For the avoidance of doubt, the location referred to in these T&Cs is to hold for 14 hours at room temperature (20 °C to 25 °C) to ensure the safe condition of the goods during the PAXEL shipping process. PAXEL has no responsibility to protect the Goods during the delivery process. PAXEL is not liable for any damages to the Goods as a result of improper or inadequate packaging.

c. Proof of pick-up
Sender agrees to put the Sender’s digital signature as a part of the proof of pick-up by Hero.

d. Pick-up and delivery time
PAXEL's time limit for picking up or delivering Goods/Packages is according to the schedule stated in the PAXEL application.

e. Type of Good
Sender is not allowed to send the type of Goods listed in the Prohibited Goods (as regulated below).

General Provisions

  • PAXEL reserves the rights to know the content of the Goods/Packages delivered by the Sender.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to check the Goods/Packages and put the bubble wrap to the Goods/Packages that are included in the category of fragile which have not been properly packaged by the customer based on confirmation from the User.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to re-checking the dimension and weight of the Package/Goods.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to check the appropriateness of packaging to be delivered.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to refuse Goods/Packages which packaging is deemed by
  • PAXEL as inappropriate or does not comply with PAXEL’s policy and the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • PAXEL is not liable for deliveries that are inconsistent with the statement and/or information stated and/or provided by the Sender through PAXEL Application and/or included as any type of Prohibited Goods.
  • The security and packaging of the delivered Goods/Packages are the sole responsibility of the Sender.
  • Specifically for item type in the categories of frozen food, perishable food and non-perishable food, the Goods/Packages handed over by the Sender to PAXEL must be packaged well and ensured that they are safe from shocks and last for 14 hours at room temperature (20°C to 25°C) during the delivery process. 
  • PAXEL will process customer orders (pick up) after the order data is entered or received by the PAXEL system.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to refuse a delivery if the waiting time for the pick-up process of Goods/Packages more than 10 (ten) minutes.
  • The Sender agrees to provide the Sender’s and Recipient’s data information through PAXEL Application in a complete and correct manner (name, city, sub-district, village, postal code and phone number).
  • The Account Owner for any reason has no right to ask for the return in total and/or some of the remaining Paxel Credit which added by inter-bank transfer system (via ATM/Internet Banking), addition via Hero, and other media cooperating with PAXEL.
  • The Account Owner, Sender and Receiver are aware that the Shipping Fee for successful delivery in the PAXEL system and the Goods/Packages have been picked up by PAXEL cannot be returned either in part or in whole and/or converted in any form.
  • The Sender waives PAXEL from any liabilities on penalties and/or compensation due to:
  1. Loss and delay of the Goods/Packages, if the sender incorrectly provides the Receiver's information data but the Goods/Packages have been received by the Receiver.
  2. Claims from other parties and/or the authorities, if the contents of the Goods/Packages sent via PAXEL are not in accordance with the statement from the Sender and contrary to the applicable laws and regulations.
  3. All costs incurred caused by negligence and/or error by the Sender in fulfilling obligations under these T&C's and other provisions stipulated by PAXEL.
  4. PAXEL is responsible for making compensation for damage and/or loss of the Goods/Packages in accordance with the nominal specified in these Terms and Conditions.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to collect and/or deliver the Goods/Packages through the routes, methods, procedures and networks owned by PAXEL.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to take steps deemed necessary after finding any violation to the provisions contained in these T&C immediately, including to perform the Delivery Standard regulated in these T&C.


PAXEL is liable to compensate the losses experienced by the Sender or Recipient resulting from the damage and/or loss to the Goods if:

  • The damage, loss and/or defects to Goods are caused by the actual default and/or negligence of PAXEL;
  • Refund of Shipping Costs due to delay in delivering Goods/Packages caused by the actual default and/or negligence of PAXEL;
  • Users are required to apply for claims through conversations with Hera through Mobile Apps Paxel, Website (paxel.co), and web app (friend.paxel.co) or through DM Instagram Paxel, or users can access the website (claim.paxel.co ) no later than a period of 3 (three) calendar days after the goods are received.
  • When applying for a claim, the user is required to attach a video before and after packing and/or unboxing goods/packages from beginning to end without pause along with proof of purchase (if any) namely invoice and/or proof of transfer.
  • Paxel is not responsible for commercial losses, finances and other indirect losses including losses caused by matters that are beyond the ability to supervise paxel or other indirect losses including damage due to force majeure (coercive state) such as earthquakes, disasters Nature, riot, floods, epidemics, war, coupts, rebellions, government policies and other reasons that occur beyond Paxel's ability.
  • Paxel cooperates with third parties Insurance service providers to provide protection against goods/packages during service. Provisions regarding the provision of insurance services and replacement are fully regulated by the insurance service provider through paxel terms and conditions.
  • Guarantees of compensation as mentioned in this point are divided into several categories below:
  1. The sender is responsible for protecting the Goods/Packages with adequate insurance and covering the applicable premiums.
  2. Compensation for Goods/Packages which have been added to insurance by the Sender is in accordance with the applicable insurance provisions in PAXEL. If the sender does not add the insurance feature, then the compensation for damaged Goods/Packages caused by Paxel's negligence is as the price of the Goods with maximum value of Rp1,000,000 (One Million Rupiah).
  3. If the sender adds an insurance feature to the delivery of goods/packages with the type/category of ordinary/regular goods and not included in the category of High Value Shipment (valuable goods), then payment of a replacement fee for lost and/or damaged shipments is equal to the price of the goods with a maximum replacement of IDR 10,000,000 (tenty million rupiah). 
  • Replacement for lost and/or damaged goods in the High Value Shipment category or Valuable Goods which add an insurance feature is worth the price of the Goods with the maximum replacement as follows :
No.Type of GoodsLimit Liability
1.Certificates/documentsaccording to the list of certificates/documents
2.ArtsMaximum IDR500.000,- per shipment
3. Personal goods (belongings) or second-hand goodsMaximum IDR5.000.000,- per shipment
4. Gold, Gold Bar, Jewellery Maximum IDR25.000.000,- per shipment
5. Other items, including food and beverages, electronic equipment, and branded goodsMaximum IDR 50.000.000,- per shipment

List of certificate/Documents:

List of Documents Limit Liability
Car vehicle registrationIDR2.500.000,- per shipment
Motorcycle vehicle registrationIDR1.500.000,- per shipment
(Car) Vehicle Ownership CertificateIDR5.000.000,- per shipment
(Motorcycle) Vehicle Ownership CertificateIDR2.500.000,- per shipment
vehicle mutationIDR750.000,- per shipment
Periodic Vehicle Inspection Card (KIER)IDR500.000,- per shipment
Diploma/university certificate (Ijazah)IDR500.000,- per shipment
PassportIDR500.000,- per shipment
Building/land deedIDR2.000.000,- per shipment
Birth CertificateIDR250.000,- per shipment
Bank Document (Letter of Credit/Bank Guarantee)IDR1.000.000,- per shipment
Insurance DocumentIDR250.000,- per shipment
ID CardIDR250.000,- per shipment
Driving License (SIM A/B/B1/B2/C)IDR500.000,- per shipment
Academic Report Card (SD/SLTP/SMA/SMK)IDR500.000,- per shipment
Family CardIDR250.000,- per shipment
Deed or Sale Purchase AgreementIDR1.000.000,- per shipment
Decree/SKEPIDR500.000,- per shipment
Tender Document IDR2.000.000,- per shipment
Piagam/CertificateIDR250.000,- per shipment
Special/Specific Certificate IDR500.000,- per shipment
Citizenship Document/SKBRIIDR500.000,- per shipment
Company DocumentIDR2.500.000,- per shipment
  1. PAXEL provides a special Safe Food Guarantee ("JMA") feature to protect 3 (three) categories of Goods/Packages; (i) Frozen Food; (ii) Perishable Food; (iii) Non-Perishable Food. The sender could add the feature and be charged a fee to get special services for the 3 (three) categories of goods/packages. If the Sender has added the JMA feature and there is damage and/or loss to the Package/Goods, directly with no completion of the terms and conditions for the claim specified by PAXEL, the replacement is up to a maximum of Rp. 1,000,000,- (One Million Rupiah).
  2. For replacement of lost or damaged valuable documents (KTP, driver's license, diploma, birth certificate, marriage certificate, marriage book, divorce certificate, death certificate, including but not limited to contract documents or tender documents) is the cost of making or re-issuing documents with a maximum nominal value of IDR 1,000,000 (one million Rupiah). If the sender adds an insurance feature to the document delivery as referred to in this point, the replacement is a maximum of Rp. 2,000,000,- (two million Rupiah).
  3. For the avoidance of doubt, the Sender and/or Account Owner understands that PAXEL does not act as an agent or representative of a third party insurance service provider and is not a party to an agreement for the provision of insurance between the Sender and/or Account Owner and a third party insurance service provider. The Sender, Receiver and/or Account Owner agrees to follow the terms governed by PAXEL insurance.

PAXEL reserves the right to determine the valuable goods and valuable documents as long not violate the Law.

Prohibited Goods

PAXEL does not accept the delivery of Goods/Packages prohibited by the provisions of PAXEL and the provision of Law No. 38 Year 2009 on Postal Services, namely:

  1. Narcotics, psychotropic substances, and other prohibited drugs;
  2. Explosive goods;
  3. Items that are easily burned;
  4. Goods that are easily damaged and can pollute the environment;
  5. Other items in accordance with the law and regulations are declared prohibited;
  • By continuing to uphold the values of PAXEL, we refuse delivery of alcoholic drinks.
  • Goods exceeding the vehicle loading capacity.

Delivery Cost

  • PAXEL has set the Shipping Costs for the Service as stated on the PAXEL platform.
  • The delivery fee imposed by PAXEL is inclusive of Value-Added TAX (VAT).
  • The payment of delivery cost which use transfer methods by Payment Gateway returnable and automatically converted into Paxel Credit.
  • PAXEL can determine the refund of Shipping Costs as intended in the Compensation provisions using a method that according to PAXEL's internal policy and has no conflicted with applicable regulations
  • PAXEL may make changes to the Shipping Fees for the Service at any time according to PAXEL's needs.

Ownership Warranty

  • The Sender warrants that the Goods/Packages submitted and/or delivered through PAXEL have comply in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Sender releases PAXEL from any form of claims from any parties upon violation to the ownership warranty of Goods/Package delivered through PAXEL

PAXEL Account Ownership Warranty

  • The Account Owner warrants that the use of the account is correct and does not violate the norms of decency and/or prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Account Owner warrants and release PAXEL from all claims for misuse of the PAXEL Account.
  • PAXEL has the right to take actions deemed necessary directly without any consent of the Account Owner in the event of misuse of the PAXEL Account.

Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images related to PAXEL both in digital and printed media shall not be used and acknowledged by any parties and for any purposes, except with a written approval from PAXEL.

Questions or Complaints

If Customer have questions or complaints about the delivery of goods or documents, Customer can channel them through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM on PAXEL Instagram.

Law and Dispute Settlement

  • All disputes arising from the performance of the T&C and services provided by PAXEL with the Sender will be settled by deliberation and amicable settlement, unless it is deemed necessary to proceed to legal procedures and the laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia.
  • The Dispute Settlement as set out in this point upon the services and T&C regulated, is determined and set by PAXEL to be settled through the jurisdiction of East Jakarta District Court. 

Other Provisions

  • These T&C are regulated and interpreted by the laws applicable in Indonesia.
  • The Sender agree that PAXEL reserves the rights to terminate theseT&C immediately after the it is declared that there is a violation to these T&C. For the avoidance of doubt, the termination of these T&C shall not oblige PAXEL to provide compensation or indemnification in any form as long as the Sender uses PAXEL delivery services. PAXEL and Sender expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code to the extent it is required to terminate these T&C without any prior court decision.
  • In the event that one of the provisions of these T&C becomes invalid or unenforceable, then the other provision will not be affected.
  • PAXEL may amend, revise, modify these T&C at any time in accordance with the business necessity required by PAXEL.

Term and Condition



These Terms and Conditions as set forth below (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) are in effect, mutually agreed, and deemed to have been accepted and / or agreed by you as a PAXEL Locker (“PaxelBox”) user when you use any shipping, leasing, and pickup services using PaxelBox (as defined below) for the safekeeping of Goods / Packages in PaxelBox (“Service”).


  • PT Paxelbox Digital Unggul (“Company”) is a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Paxelbox is a company holding a license to supply and distribute storage lockers under the PaxelBox trademark.


Locker/PaxelBox” shall mean the compartment or storage of Goods/Packages used by the PaxelBox User for shipping, leasing, and pickup purposes.

 “Goods/Packages” shall mean any goods, letters, documents and some types of goods that can be stored by the User in the PaxelBox unit pursuant to these T&C and the applicable legislative regulations.

User” shall mean the owner of a PAXEL application account or a User who does not have a PAXEL application account but uses the shipping, leasing, and pickup services in PaxelBox.

Location” shall mean the PaxelBox ID code and area.

Operating Hour(s)” shall mean the time of using PaxelBox for 24 hours or in accordance with the operating hours that apply in such area where PaxelBox is located.

Operating Day(s)” shall mean any day(s) on which Paxelbox is used, i.e. from Monday to Sunday, or in accordance with the operating days that apply in such area where PaxelBox is located.

Fees” shall mean a certain amount of money incurred for using PaxelBox.

"Hera" is a chat bot provided by Paxel as a feature for users to submit questions or complaints

Terms of Using PaxelBox

  1. PaxelBox Slot Limits 
    There are 4 (four) types of Locker slot sizes :
    • Small size :  12 x 47.5 x 47.5 cm
    • Medium size : 24 x 47.5 x 47.5 cm
    • Large size : 36 x 47.5 x 47.5 cm
    • Very large size : 59 x 47.5 x 47.5 cm
  2. Packaging of Goods/Packages 
    The User must ensure that the Goods/Packages are in a good and proper condition and are not dangerous during the process of shipping, leasing and pickup in PaxelBox. PaxelBox will not be held liable for any damages to Goods/Packages caused by the User's negligence or any packaging errors.
  3. Types of Goods
    The User shall be prohibited from storing any types of Goods/Packages that are explosive and/or violate the applicable legislative regulations.

General Terms 

  • PaxelBox shall be entitled to check the Goods/Packages in the event that there is any indication of misuse of the PaxelBox.
  • PaxelBox shall not be held liable for the shipping, leasing and pickup by the User of any Goods/Packages that are prohibited according to these T&C.
  • The security and packaging of the Goods/Packages are the full responsibility of the User.
  • PaxelBox reserves the right to take any steps deemed necessary in terms of any violation commited by the User of the provisions contained herein, including to apply the PaxelBox usage standards as set out in these T&C.
  • In the event that the User cancels after the transaction has been successful for the PaxelBox order, the User agrees that the Fees which has been deducted from the order cannot be refunded in cash, paxel credit and/or to the Payment Gateway.

Warranties of Ownership of the Goods/Packages 

  • The User warrants that the goods/packages on the PaxelBox do not conflict with the applicable laws and regulations and also is not prohibited goods/packages, including:
  1. Narcotics, psychotropics, and other illegal drugs;
  2. Explosive items;
  3. Combustible goods;
  4. Items that are easily damaged and can pollute the environment;
  5. Goods that violate decency;
  6. Living things;
  7. Goods prohibited by aviation rules;
  • Goods that can be damaged both in nature and physically the Goods themselves due to certain temperatures.
  • Items that exceed the slot locker capacity.
  • The User will hold PaxelBox harmless against any claims and demands filed based on any use of PaxelBox in contrary to the provisions of these T&C.
  • The User will defend and hold PaxelBox harmless from and against any claims filed by any party based on a violation of warranty of ownership of the Goods/Packages shipped via PaxelBox.
  • The User will defend and hold PaxelBox harmless from and against any claims and demands based on the abandonment and/or loss of the Goods/Packages due to the User’s negligence.

The User’s Warranties of the Use of PaxelBox  

  • The User warrants that PaxelBox is used properly and does not violate the norms of decency and/or the applicable legislative regulations.
  • The User warrants that they will hold PaxelBox harmless against any claims filed based on any misuse of PaxelBox.
  • PaxelBox shall be entitled to immediately take any actions deemed necessary without obtaining prior consent form the User in the event of misues of PaxelBox.

Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images relating to PaxelBox made by both digital and print media shall not be used and acknowledged by any party and for any purpose, unless agreed otherwise in writing by PaxelBox.


PaxelBox will not be responsible for any commercial, financial and other indirect losses suffered by the User due to any events occurred beyond the reasonable control of PaxelBox or for any other indirect losses including damages that occur due to Force Majeure such as earthquakes, natural disasters, riots, floods, epidemics, wars, coups, rebellions, government policies and other similar events.

Question or Complaints

If Customers have questions or complaints about using PaxelBox, Customers can channel them through conversations with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM Instagram PAXEL.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

  • All disputes arising out of the performance of these T&C and services between PaxelBox and the User shall be resolved by deliberation aimed at reaching a consesus, unless there are any other matters deemed necessary to proceed in the next process through legal channels and under the relevant legislative regulations prevailing in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Any such dispute as provided for in this section arising out of the performance of services and these T&C that are regulated, determined and set out by PaxelBox shall be referred to the jurisdiction of the East Jakarta District Court.

Miscellaneous Provisions

  • These T&C shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • The User agrees that PaxelBox has the right to terminate these T&C with immediate effect upon a violation by the User of any provisions hereof. For the avoidance of doubt, termination of these T&C shall not require PaxelBox to pay any compensation to the User to the extent that the User uses the PaxelBox delivery service. PaxelBox and the User expressly agree to waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code to the extent that it is required to terminate these Terms without a court decision.
  • If any of the provisions hereof shall become invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.
  • PaxelBox may amend, revise, and modify these T&C at any time according to its business needs.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions as set forth below (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) apply, are agreed upon, and are deemed to have been accepted and / or approved by you as the sender (“Sender”) when you use the PaxelBig service (as defined below) for the process of delivering the Goods and/or Packages within cities and intercities (“Service”).


  • PT Paxel Algorita Unggul (“PAXEL”) is a company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. 
  • Paxel is a courier company with a Postal and application-based operation permit that has been registered and has obtained permission from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. 
  • PaxelBig is a delivery service for goods of certain sizes and weights as further regulated in these T&C. 


Goods/Packages” shall mean any types of goods that can be delivered by PaxelBig in accordance with these T&Cs and the prevailing laws and regulations. 

Driver” shall mean Paxel's partner in charge of picking up and/or delivering Goods/Packages. In this case PAXEL cooperates with third party service providers in providing the PaxelBig Service.

Paxel Account” shall mean a media or platform for recording any transactions using PAXEL’s PaxelBig delivery service. 

Account Owner” shall mean an Application User registered in the PAXEL application system.

Sender” shall meana party whose name is writtenin the PAXEL Application as the party sending the Goods/Package.  

Recipient” shall mean a party whose name is written in the PAXEL Application as the party receiving the Goods/Package. 

Delivery Fee” shall mean the fee to be paid by the Sender for the delivery of the Goods/Package delivered by PaxelBig. 

"Hera" is a chat bot provided by Paxel as a feature for users to submit questions or complaints


Conditions for Goods/Packages

  • Size limitation

The size limit for a Package per Service shall be 10 kg to 25 kg. The deviation allowed is 500grams from the Goods/Package weight limit.

  • Dimension limitation

The dimension limitation for a Package per Service shall be a maximum of 80cm on one side.

  • Packaging

The sender shall pack the Item in a proper and closed manner in order to protect such Item during the delivery process. PaxelBig shall not be responsible for any damage to the Item caused by incorrect or inadequate packaging.

  • Pick-up and delivery time

The time limit for the Driver to pick up or deliver Goods/Packages shall be within 08.00 – 22.00.

  • Types of Items

The Sender shall not send any types of Items listed in the Prohibited Items (as set out below).

General Terms

  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to know the contents of the Items sent by the Sender.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to re-check the dimensions and weight of the Goods/Package.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to charge a reasonable additional fee in the event that the Sender does not provide any detailed information regarding the condition of the Goods/Package.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to check the suitability of the packaging to be sent by using the PaxelBig Service.
  • PAXEL and/or the Driver shall reserve the right to refuse any Goods/Packages whose packaging is deemed unfit and/or not in accordance with PAXEL’s policies and the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • PAXEL shall not be held responsible for any delivery not in accordance with the statement and/or information stated and/or provided by the Sender throughthe PaxelBig Service and/or including any types of Prohibited Items.
  • The security and packaging of the Goods/Packages sent by using the PaxelBig Service shall become the full responsibility of the Sender.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to refuse any delivery in the event that the waiting time for the Goods/Package pick-up process is more than 10 (ten) minutes.
  • The Sender agrees to provide complete and correct information on the Sender and Recipient data through the PaxelBig platform (name, address, city, sub-district (kecamatan), urban village (kelurahan), postal code and phone number).
  • The Sender and the Recipient in this case have agreed that for the delivery of any Goods/Packages in the form of frozen food, perishable food and non-perishable food, PaxelBig does not provide a freezer at the transit location during the delivery process.
  • The Sender agrees to properly pack the Goods/Packages, especially frozen food, perishable food and non-perishable food. The Sender shall be responsible for any damage occur to the contents of the Goods/Package.
  • The Sender shall release PAXEL from any liabilities for fines and/or compensation in any case due to:
  1. Loss of a Goods/Package, in the event that the Sender incorrectly provides information on the Recipient data; however, the relevant Goods/Package has been received by the Recipient.
  2. Damage to the contents of the Goods/Package, in the event that there is no damage to the seal on the Package when it is received by the Recipient.
  3. Damage to the contents of the Item of Package, in the event thatthere is a discrepancy between the actual contents of the Goods/Package and the description of the Item as written in the application.
  4. Non conformity of the statement, in the event that the Sender provides a statement on the contents of the Goods/Package that does not conform to the type of goods written in the PaxelBig application.
  5. Claims filed by any other parties and/or the authorities, in the event that the contents of the packaging sent through PAXEL do not conform to the statement provided by the Sender and conflict with the prevailing laws and regulations.
  6. Any delay, loss, and damage, in the event that there are costs arising from any negligence and error made by the Sender in fulfilling their obligations as set out in these T&Cs and any other provisions stipulated by PAXEL.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to pick up and/or deliver the Sender’s Goods/Package through any channels, methods, procedures and networks owned by PAXEL.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to immediately take any steps it deems necessary after it becomes aware of a violation of any provisions contained in these T&Cs, including to implement the delivery standards stipulated in these T&Cs.

Prohibited Items

PAXEL does not accept any delivery of the following Goods/Packages that are prohibited by the terms of PaxelBig Service and by Law No. 38 of 2009 concerning Post: 

  1. Narcotics, psychotropics, and any other illegal drugs;
  2. Explosive Goods;
  3. Combustible materials;
  4. Items that are perishable and can pollute the environment;
  5. Items that violate decency; and/or
  6. Any other items which according to the laws and regulations are prohibited.
  • Living things; animals.
  • While upholding the PAXEL's values, we refuse to deliver any alcoholic beverages.
  • Any Goods exceeding the vehicle's carrying capacity.

Delivery Fee

  • PAXEL has set the Delivery Fee for such Service provided as stated in the PAXEL platform.
  • Delivery Fee for PaxelBig Service shall include Value Added Tax (VAT).
  • PAXEL may make changes to the Shipping Fees for the Service at any time according to PAXEL's needs.

Goods Ownership Warranty

  • The Sender and the Recipient warrant that the Goods/Packages delivered and/or sent through the PaxelBig Service have good resistance to the contents/natures and to the packaging thereof.
  • The Sender and the Recipient warrant that the Goods/Packages delivered and/or sent through the Paxel Big Service are in accordance with the provisions of PaxelBig delivery standards and the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Sender releases PAXEL from all forms of claims filed by any party for violation of the Goods/Package ownership warranty with respect to any Goods/Package sent by using the PaxelBig Service. 

Paxel Account Ownership Warranties

  • The Account Owner warrants that the Account is used properly and does not violate the norms of decency and/or the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Account Owner warrants and releases PAXEL from all claims for misuse of the Paxel Account.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to immediately take any actionsit deems necessary without obtaining the approval of the Account Owner in the event of misuse of the Paxel Account. 

Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images related to the PaxelBig Service, whether digital or printed, shall not be used and acknowledged by any party and for any purpose, unless there is a written approval from PAXEL. 


PAXEL shall be responsible for compensating for any loss suffered by the Sender or the Recipient due to damage to and/or loss of the Goods/Package in the event that: 

  1. any damage to, loss of and/or defects in suchItem are caused by an error and/or negligence by the Driver and/or as a result of providing the PaxelBig Service;
  2. the Goods handed-over by the Sender to the Driver for delivery has been equipped with good and proper packaging to prevent any damage to the Item caused by the normal movement of the vehicle driven by the Driver during delivery; and
  3. Any defects that may arise in the Item are not hidden defects.
  • Users must submit a claim request through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM Instagram PAXEL, User also can access website (klaim.paxel.co) no later than 3 (three) calendar days after the item is received.
  • PAXEL shall not be held responsible for any commercial, financial and other indirect losses including losses caused by any matters occur beyond PAXEL's control or other indirect losses, including for any damage that may arise due to events of Force Majeure such as earthquakes, natural disasters, riots, floods, epidemics, wars, coups, rebellions, Government policies and other causes that occur beyond the ability of PAXEL.
  • In providing the PaxelBig Service, PAXEL cooperates with a third party insurance service provider to provide protection for Goods/Packages during service. Provisions for providing insurance and reimbursement services are fully regulated by the relevant insurance service provider.
  • Such compensation as referred to in this point shall be divided into the following categories:
  1. The Sender shall be responsible for protecting the Goods/Package with adequate insurance and shall bear the relevantinsurance premium.
  2. Compensation for any Goods/Packages to which insurance has been added by the Sender is in accordance with the applicable insurance provisions. If the Sender does not add an insurance feature, then the payment of the replacement fee for any lost or damaged Goods/Package shall bea maximum of Rp. 1,000,000.00 (One Million Rupiah).
  3. If the Sender adds an insurance feature to the delivery of the Goods/Package, i.e. a premium of Rp. 500.00 (five hundred Rupiah) of the price of such Goods/Package, then the payment of the replacement fee for any lost or damaged the Goods/Package shall be a maximum of Rp. 10,000,000.00 (Ten Million Rupiah).
  4. For the avoidance of doubt, the Sender and/or the Account Owner understands that PAXEL is not acting as an agent or representative of a third party insurance service provider and is not a party to an agreement for the provision of insurance entered into by and between the Sender and/or the Account Owner and a third party insurance service provider.

Questions or Complaints

If Customer have questions or complaints about the delivery of goods or documents, Customer can channel them through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM on PAXEL Instagram.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

  • Any disputes arising from the implementation of these T&Cs and the services provided between PaxelBig and the Sender shall be resolved amicably, unless there are any other matters deemed necessary to be continued in the next process through legal channels under the laws and regulations prevailing within the territory of Indonesia.
  • Such Dispute Resolution as set out in this point regarding services and T&Cs that are regulated, determined and stipulated by PAXEL shall be resolved by the East Jakarta District Court. 


  • These T&Cs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable Indonesian law.
  • The Sender agrees that PAXEL shall be entitled to terminate these T&Cs as soon as it is found that a violation of these T&Cs has occurred. For the avoidance of doubt, the termination of these T&Cs shallnot oblige PAXEL to compensate or indemnify in any form whatsoever as long as the Sender uses PaxelBig’s delivery service. PAXEL and the Sender expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code to the extent that it is necessary to terminate these T&Cs without a court decision.
  • In the event that any of the provisions of these T&Cs become invalid or unenforceable,any other provisions hereof shall not be affected.
  • PAXEL may amend, revise, and modify these T&Cs from time to time according to business needs required during the provision of the PaxelBig service.

Terms & Conditions for Paxel Instant Multidrop



Paxel Instant Multidrop is a delivery service for more than one delivery point in one shipment (“Service”) These Terms and Conditions as set forth below (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) are in effect, mutually agreed, and deemed to have been accepted and / or agreed by you at the time you use PAXEL services (as defined below) for goods and/or package delivery process.


  • PT Paxel Algorita Unggul (“PAXEL”) is a company established under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • PAXEL is a courier company with a Postal service license and is application-based which has been registered and obtained license from the Ministry of Information and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia.


Goods/Package” are goods, letters, documents and any types of goods that can be delivered by PAXEL in accordance with these T&C and the prevailing laws and regulations.

Hero” is PAXEL’s courier or partner having duties to do Goods/Package delivery process.

Partner” shall mean PAXEL's partner in charge of picking up and/or delivering Goods/Packages.  In this case PAXEL cooperates with third party service providers in providing the Paxel Instant Multidrop Service.

“PAXEL Account '' is a media or platform for recording transactions using PAXEL delivery services.

Account Owner” shall mean Application User registered on the application system of PAXEL. 

“Sender '' shall mean a person registered in the Application of PAXEL as the party that sends Goods/Packages.

Receiver” shall mean a person registered in the Application of PAXEL as a party that accepts Goods/Packages. In the process of delivering Goods/Packages, the Sender and the Receiver are inseparable circumstances from the use of PAXEL delivery services.

“Shipping Cost” shall mean the fee paid by the Sender for delivery Goods/Packages by PAXEL.

"Hera" is a chat bot provided by Paxel as a feature for users to submit questions or complaints

Goods/Packages Provisions

  • Package Size

The package weight limitation is 5kg. The permitted deviation is 500gram from the weight limitation. 

  • Package Dimension

Package dimensional limitation: 35cm x 30cm x 20cm

  • Packaging

The sender shall pack its Goods appropriately, properly and in closed condition to protect the Goods during the delivery process. PAXEL has no responsibility to protect the Goods during the delivery process. PAXEL is not liable for any damages to the Goods as a result of improper or inadequate packaging.

  • Type of Good

Senders are not allowed to send the type of Goods listed in the Prohibited Goods (as regulated below).

Prohibited Goods

PAXEL does not accept the delivery of Goods/Packages prohibited by the provisions of PAXEL and the provision of Law No. 38 Year 2009 on Postal Services, namely:

Prohibited items/goods, but not limited to:

  • Money (Cash, Coins, Foreign Currency);
  • Narcotics, psychotropic substances, and other prohibited drugs;
  • Any form of pornography;
  • Living things; Animals;
  • Food and or raw materials that can easily damage and beverages that requires storage facilities in controlled environments;
  • Explosive goods, firearms, weapon and or any of the part that is related;
  • Gambling goods and/or lottery tickets;
  • Items that is controlled by the government;
  • Items that is related to any act of crime, such as stolen goods; and/or
  • Other items in accordance with the law and regulations are declared prohibited.

Other goods, but not limited to:

  • Work of arts, including the work that is created by using creativity, feelings and talent to be sold, shown and to be collected;
  • Movie and image as result of photography;
  • Commodity that naturally easily damaged and/or has subjectivity market value;
  • Antiquity;
  • Glassware, including jewelry and other item/goods that is categorized as valued goods;
  • Animal fur, but not limited to furred and leathered apparel;
  • Stamps and tax for alcoholic beverages.

High value items/goods and documents, but not limited to;

  • Certificate of ownership;
  • Vehicle ownership documents, graduation certificates, passport;
  • Bonds bank deposits and/or any other document that PAXEL declare as valuable documents;
  • Cheque and/or transfer form;
  • Item/good that is valued more than Rp10.000.000 (ten million rupiah);
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Item/good that exceed the vehicle delivery capacity.

Delivery Cost

  • PAXEL has set the Delivery Cost for such Service provided as stated in the PAXEL platform.
  • Delivery Fee for Paxel Instant Multidrop Service shall include Value Added Tax (VAT).
  • PAXEL may make changes to the Shipping Fees for the Service at any time according to PAXEL's needs.

Goods Ownership Warranty

  • The Sender and the Recipient warrant that the Goods/Packages delivered and/or sent through the Paxel Instant Multidrop Service have good resistance to the contents/natures and to the packaging thereof.
  • The Sender and the Recipient warrant that the Goods/Packages delivered and/or sent through the Paxel Instant Multidrop Service are in accordance with the provisions of Paxel Instant Multidrop delivery standards and the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Sender releases PAXEL from all forms of claims filed by any party for violation of the Goods/Package ownership warranty with respect to any Goods/Package sent by using the Paxel Instant Multidrop Service. 

Paxel Account Ownership Warranties

  • The Account Owner warrants that the Account is used properly and does not violate the norms of decency and/or the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Account Owner warrants and releases PAXEL from all claims for misuse of the Paxel Account.
  • PAXEL shall reserve the right to immediately take any actions it deems necessary without obtaining the approval of the Account Owner in the event of misuse of the Paxel Account. 

Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images related to the Paxel Instant Multidrop Service, whether digital or printed, shall not be used and acknowledged by any party and for any purpose, unless there is a written approval from PAXEL and the service operators. 


  • Cost that are shown on the application already include the compensation guarantee up to Rp10.000.000 (ten million Rupiah) if there’s any damage and/or missing.
  • PAXEL is liable to compensate the losses experienced by the Sender or Recipient resulting from the damage and/or loss to the Goods if:
  • Users must submit a claim request through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM Instagram PAXEL, User also can access website (klaim.paxel.co) no later than 3 (three) calendar days after the item is received.
  • PAXEL shall not be held responsible for any commercial, financial and other indirect losses including losses caused by any matters occur beyond PAXEL's control or other indirect losses, including for any damage that may arise due to events of Force Majeure such as earthquakes, natural disasters, riots, floods, epidemics, wars, coups, rebellions, Government policies and other causes that occur beyond the ability of PAXEL.
  • Specific for documents, the maximum compensation is Rp100.000,- (one hundred thousand Rupiah). For the documents that are covered by additional insurance, the maximum compensation is Rp2.000.000 (Two Million Rupiah) or in accord with the new document submission fee. Documents such as; ID Card, Driving License, Graduation certificate, Birth certificate, Marriage certificate, Divorce certificate, Statement of Death, but not limited to contract or tender documents. PAXEL has the right to determine which document is covered or not.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, the Sender and/or the Account Owner understands that PAXEL is not acting as an agent or representative of the third party insurance service provider and is not a party to an agreement for the provision of insurance entered into by and between the Sender and/or the Account Owner and the third party insurance service provider.

Questions or Complaints

If Customer have questions or complaints about the delivery of goods or documents, Customer can channel them through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM on PAXEL Instagram.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

  • Any disputes arising from the implementation of these T&Cs and the services provided between Paxel Instant Multidrop and the Sender shall be resolved amicably, unless there are any other matters deemed necessary to be continued in the next process through legal channels under the laws and regulations prevailing within the territory of Indonesia.
  • Such Dispute Resolution as set out in this point regarding services and T&Cs that are regulated, determined and stipulated by PAXEL shall be resolved by the East Jakarta District Court. 


  • These T&Cs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable Indonesian law.
  • The Sender agrees that PAXEL shall be entitled to terminate these T&Cs as soon as it is found that a violation of these T&Cs has occurred. For the avoidance of doubt, the termination of these T&Cs shall not oblige PAXEL to compensate or indemnify in any form whatsoever as long as the Sender uses Paxel Instant Multidrop delivery service. PAXEL and the Sender expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code to the extent that it is necessary to terminate these T&Cs without a court decision.
  • In the event that any of the provisions of these T&Cs become invalid or uneforceable, any other provisions hereof shall not be affected.
  • PAXEL may amend, revise, and modify these T&Cs from time to time according to business needs required during the provision of the Paxel Instant Multidrop service.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions as set out below (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) prevails, are agreed upon, and are deemed to have been accepted and/or approved by You/Customer as the sender of Packages (“Sender”) when you use PAXEL services (as defined below) for the process of delivering goods and/or packages within cities and between cities (“Services”).



  • PT Paxel Algorita Unggul (“PAXEL”) is a company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • PAXEL is a courier company with a postal and application-based operating license that has been registered and has obtained permission from the Ministry of Information and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia.



PAXEL Account means a media or platform for recording transactions of PAXEL Services used by You / Sender / User as contained in PAXEL’s Application system.

Airway Bill (AWB) means delivery receipt which covers information on the type, amount, size and weight of the Package, Consignor’s name, Consignee’s name,  Pick-up Location and Delivery Location, evidencing that the Package have been picked up by the Hero to be delivered  by the Hero to the Delivery Location (destination) as registered on PAXEL Application, tracking the status of the Package order using the AWB number tracking number to find out the whereabouts and position of the Package, the AWB tracking number can be seen in PAXEL Application so that it can be used as proof of the delivery process since the Package are transported by Hero until they are successfully sent to the Delivery Location.

PAXEL Application means the Services contained on PAXEL Website under the domain name www.paxel.co  or mobile phone applications under PAXEL trademark. This application can be accessed and use by the Sender in creating orders for Package delivery.

Insurance Fee means the fee that the CLIENT has to pay for insurance coverage of the delivery of the Package when choosing to insure the Package in the course of the performance of the Service.

Proof of Delivery (POD) means a proof of delivery containing column for the name of the Consignee or Consignees’ Representative, date of receipt and signature of the Consignee or Consignee’s Representative.

COP or Cash on Pick Upmeans the choice (option) of payment in cash for the Shipping Fees paid by the Sender.

Service means delivery services carried out by PAXEL including collection of the Package at the Pick-up Location, delivery of the Package to the Consignee or to Consignee’s authorized representative at the Delivery Location.

Pick-up Location means a location determined by the Sender as the location where the Hero picks up the Package as registered in PAXEL Account.

Delivery Location means the location determined by the Sender as the location for delivery of the Package registered in PAXEL Account.

Package means documents, letters or goods with size and weight limitations as set out in item (a) of this T&Cs provided that in compliance with the provisions on Unaccepted Package Types as set out in item (e) of this T&Cs.

Hero means a courier officer appointed by PAXEL to collect the Package from the Pick-up Location and deliver the Package to the Delivery Location according to the information recorded in PAXEL Account.

High Value Shipment means a valuable Package category in the form of securities documents, evidence documents, electronic goods, gold, jewelry, precious metals, antiques, securities, cheques, bilyets, demand deposits, cash or goods with nominal value above IDR 1,000,000 (one million Rupiah).

Account Owner means a user as registered on PAXEL Application system.

Sendermeans the party registered in the PAXEL Application as the party delivering the Package.

Consignee means a party designated by the Sender to receive the Package whose names are listed in the Airwaybill.

Consignee’s Representative means any person authorized by the Sender or Consignee to receive the Package.

Delivery Fee means the fee paid by the Sender for the delivery of the Packages delivered by PAXEL.

PAXEL Credit means a balance whose value is equal to IDR 1,- (one Rupiah) which can be used as a means of payment in the process of delivering Packages in PAXEL’s Application.

PAXEL ENVELOPE means a type of regular delivery service only for types of Packages with a size of 30 CM x 22 CM or the size of an A4 envelope with a maximum weight of 1.5 KG, for delivery to the Location delivery (destination) according to the time slot settings listed on PAXEL’s Application.

Credit Top Up means adding the balance amount of PAXEL Credit by way of inter-bank transfer system, adding via Hero or other payment media in cooperation with PAXEL.

Hera is a chat bot provided by Paxel as a feature for users to submit questions or complaints

Conditions on thePackage

  1. Package size and weight restrictions
    The size limit allowed for PAXEL ENVELOPE is30 CM x 22 CM or the size of an A4 envelope with a maximum weight of 1.5 KG.
  2. Packaging:
    Sender must pack the package properly, properly and in a closed state to protect the package during the shipping process. PAXEL is not responsible for any damage to the Package caused by incorrect or inadequate packaging.
  3. Proof of Delivery (POD)
    Sender agrees to provide the Sender's digital signature as the Proof of Delivery (POD).
  4. Pick-up and drop off time
    Hero's time limit for picking up the and delivering the Packages is 08:00 AM – 10:00 PM Western Indonesian Time.
  5. Types of Unaccepted Packages
    Sender is not allowed to deliver of the Packages which are classified as Prohibited Goods. Sender is also not allowed to deliver Packages in the category of perishable food, non-perishable food, frozen food and goods with the category of High Value Shipment.


General Conditions

  • Sender agrees that the pick-up and delivery time of the Package is in accordance with the terms and conditions determined by PAXEL.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to know the contents of the Package sent by the Sender, to ensure that the Package to be delivered is correct in accordance with the information recorded in the PAXEL Account.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to check Packages and attach bubble wrap to Packages that are included in the category of Fragile Packages that have not been properly packaged, PAXEL will charge an additional fee. Security and packaging of Packages sent is the full responsibility of the Sender.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to re-check the size and weight of the Package.
  • PAXEL has the right to check the contents of the Package and packaging suitability for delivery.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to refuse Packages if packaging is deemed by PAXEL as inappropriate or not in accordance with PAXEL's policies and prevailing laws and regulations and/or moral norms.
  • PAXEL is not responsible for Package shipments that are not in accordance with the statement and/or information stated and/or given by the Sender through Hero and/or Packages are categorized as Prohibited Goods.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to refuse the delivery of the Package if the waiting time for the package pick-up is more than 10 (ten) minutes.
  • Sender agrees to provide complete and correct information on the Sender's and the Consignee's data through PAXEL Account (name, address, city, district, sub-district, county, postal code and telephone number, PAXEL is not responsible for incorrect information on the Consignee's data which may result in incorrect package delivery).
  • Sender hereby protects and releases PAXEL (including all Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, officers, employees, agents, affiliates of PAXEL) from the obligation to pay any fees, penalties/fines and/or compensation in any form for the following:
  1. Loss of the Package, due to negligence or mistake when the Sender incorrectly fill-in the Sender's data information or Consignee’s data information on the PAXEL Account or when providing data information submitted to the Hero, or if providing false information which resulted in the Package not being received by the Consignee, therefore PAXEL is released from all claims for damages and/or lawsuits of any kind.
  2. Damage, defect, breakage, malfunction of the Package has occurred before the Hero picks-up the Package, it is impossible for the Hero to knowing the condition of the Package is damaged, defective, broken, malfunctioning.
  3. Package loss or package damage caused by the Sender and/or Consignee's mistake in complying with the conditions set by PAXEL, where the Package must be delivered by the Hero to the Delivery Location (destination)as recorded on the PAXEL Account, but if the Consignee comes to pick up the Package at PAXEL’s branch location (Paxel Home or Paxel Point) it will be deemed that the Package has been legally handed-over to the Consignee (or representatives of the Sender or the Consignee) and Consignee shall be fully responsible for all consequences of loss and/or damage, therefore PAXEL and Hero are released from and against claims, demands for compensation and/or lawsuits of any kind.
  4. If any discrepancy between the information and/or Package description (fill-in by the Sender on PAXEL Account) with the actual description of the delivered Package and/or if any falsification of information, then PAXEL will note responsible for any consequences which may occur.
  5. Inconsistency of the Sender's statement, if the Sender provides incorrect Package information that is different from the type of Package selected by the Sender on PAXEL Account or when providing incorrect information to the Hero, then PAXEL is will not responsible for any consequences which may occur.
  6. Defects of goods due to production failure, therefore PAXEL is released from all claims for losses and/or lawsuits in any form.
  7. Summons from the police or other law enforcers and/or relevant government agencies because the contents of the Package sent are prohibited by applicable laws and regulations or contrary to moral norms, therefore PAXEL and Hero are released from all claims for compensation and/or lawsuits law in any form.
  8. Delay, loss, damage results in costs and/or expenses due to the Sender's negligence or mistake in complying with this T&Cs or as a result of Sender's dishonesty when entering data information on PAXEL Account or when providing data information submitted to Hero.
  9. Sender's or Consignees sole negligence or mistake due to incompliance with this T&C.
  • PAXEL reserves the right to collect and/or deliver Packages through PAXEL's paths, methods, procedures and networks
  • PAXEL reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary if the Shipper violates any provision contained in these T&Cs including the standard shipping procedures set out in these T&Cs.


Prohibited Goods

PAXEL does not accept delivery of Prohibited Goods as regulated in the Law No. 38 of 2009 concerning Post, namely:

  1. Narcotics, psychotropics, and other illegal drugs;
  2. Explosive goods;
  3. Combustible goods;
  4. Items that are easily damaged and can pollute the environment;
  5. Goods that violate decency; and/or
  6. Other goods which according to the laws and regulations are prohibited
  7. While upholding PAXEL's values, we refuse to deliver alcoholic beverages.
  8. Goods/Package which exceed the vehicle's carrying capacity.


Delivery Fees

  • PAXEL has set the tariff for the Service as stated on PAXEL Account.
  • Delivery fees charged by PAXEL includes Value Added Tax (VAT).


Package Ownership Representation 

  1. The Sender represents that the Packages handed-over and delivered using PAXEL Services are in accordance with the T&C   and the provisions of prevailing statutory regulations and/or decency norms.
  2. The Sender hereby represents and warrants that the Sender shall protect PAXEL and Hero from all forms of compensation claims, indemnification, claims/lawsuits in any form from any party for violation of the Packages Ownership delivered through PAXEL Services.
  3. The Sender hereby protects PAXEL and Hero from and against all forms of indemnification / compensation, claims / lawsuits of any kind from any party for any discrepancies of data information fill-in by the Sender on PAXEL Account or upon giving information to the Hero.
  4. The Sender hereby protects PAXEL and Hero from and against all forms of indemnification / compensation, claims / lawsuits of any kind from any party for occurrence of hidden defects in the Packages due to manufacture failures.
  5. The Sender hereby protects PAXEL and Hero from and against all forms of indemnification / compensation, claims / lawsuits of any kind from any party for the occurrence of damage of delivered Goods/Packages if such damage has occurred before the delivery.


Intellectual Property Rights

All designs, logos, brands, photos and images related to PAXEL both digitally and printed are the property of PAXEL, and cannot be used and acknowledged by any party or for any purpose.



  • PAXEL is responsible for replacing the loss suffered by the Sender or Consignee due to damage and/or loss of the Package if:
  1. Damage, loss and/or defects in the Packages are proven caused by errors and/or negligence of Hero and/or PAXEL;
  2. The Packages being handed over by the Sender to the Hero have been equipped with good and proper packaging to prevent damage to the Package caused by the normal movement of the vehicle driven by the Hero during delivery; and
  3. no hidden defects or manufacturer f of the failures on the Goods / Packages.
  • Users must submit a claim request through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM Instagram PAXEL, User also can access website (klaim.paxel.co) no later than 3 (three) calendar days after the item is received.
  • Guaranteed maximum compensation of Rp. 1,000,000. (one million Rupiah) per Service, except in Force Majeure condition.
  • PAXEL and Hero are not responsible for commercial, financial and direct and/or indirect losses, consequential damages, other losses of any kind or damages caused by Force Majeure. Meaning of Force Majeure is an event that occurs beyond the ability and supervision of PAXEL such as natural disasters, earthquakes, landslides, floods, flash floods, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, eruptions, volcanic eruptions, epidemics , pandemics, riots, sabotage, wars, coups, rebellions, Government policies, failure of communication networks or termination of PAXEL Application systems and/or information technology infrastructure systems (IT Infrastructure), internet network failures or failures of communication lines or networks resulting in delay in delivery of Packages, failure and/or loss or events which occurred beyond PAXEL’s ability), and Hero which causes the Service to not be carried out, and therefore PAXEL and Hero are released from claims for compensation and PAXEL is released from lawsuits/claims in any form. as a result of the Force Majeure.


Complaints or Questions

If Customer have questions or complaints about the delivery of goods or documents, Customer can channel them through conversation with HERA via Paxel Mobile apps, Website (Paxel.co), and Web app (sahabat.paxel.co) or via DM on PAXEL Instagram.


Law and Dispute Resolution

All disputes arising from the implementation of these T&Cs or disputes relating to the Service will be resolved by consensus, if no consensus is reached, the Consignee and PAXEL can resolve the dispute through legal channels and choose a permanent legal domicile at the East Jakarta District Court.


Miscellaneous Terms

  • These T&Cs are governed by and construed by the applicable laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • The Sender agrees that PAXEL has the right to terminate the Services immediately if You / Sender violate any provision in this T&Cs is declared. For the avoidance of doubt, termination of these T&Cs does not require PAXEL to provide compensation or indemnification in any form to You / Sender.
  • PAXEL and the Sender expressly waive the provisions of Article 1266 of the Civil Code to the extent necessary to terminate these T&Cs without requiring prior court verdict
  • If any of the provisions of these T&Cs becomes invalid or cannot be legally enforced then the other provisions apply and will not be affected.
  • PAXEL may change, revise, modify the T&C at any time according to the business needs required by PAXEL, as long as it does not violate applicable laws and regulations and moral norms.

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