Jakarta - Bogor - Depok - Tangerang - Tangerang Selatan - Ciamis - Pandeglang - Cilegon - Serang - Bekasi - Cikarang - Sukabumi - Garut - Cirebon - Bandung - Bandung Barat - Cimahi - Cianjur - Tasikmalaya - Kuningan - Majalengka - Purwakarta - Subang - Indramayu - Karawang - Semarang - Ungaran - Surakarta - Yogyakarta - Bantul - Sleman - Klaten - Wonosari - Kendal - Sukoharjo - Solo - Magelang - Purbalingga - Purwokerto - Cilacap - Pati - Karanganyar - Tegal - Blora - Pekalongan - Tulungagung - Surabaya - Sidoarjo - Pasuruan - Probolinggo - Malang - Jombang - Jember - Ngawi - Gresik - Madiun - Malang -Situbondo - Pare - Kediri - Kudus - Banyuwangi - Batu - Lumajang - Blitar - Mojokerto - Bondowoso - Banjarnegara - Banyumas - Ponorogo - Mojokerto - Denpasar - Badung - Gianyar - Makassar - Medan - Deli Serdang - Palembang - Lampung - Gowa - Sorong - Batam - Pekanbaru - Pontianak - Jambi - Balikpapan - Samarinda - Aceh - Padang and soon in other cities!
Send packages same day within the City and inter City
Craving Indonesian Food? Just order from our app
Send packages faster with only an estimated time of 2 hours
Manage your shopping waste with the PaxelRecycle feature
Send package maximum A4 size only IDR 10K throughout Java and Bali, Lampung, Palembang dan Medan
Smart locker for rental, drop-off, and package pickup
Got heavy shipment up to 25Kg and 80cm (one side)? We’ve got you covered!
Send multiple instant packages at once with just one click
Try the new way of sending packages without physical contact
Buy phone credit and data packages from Paxel app
Paxel is a technology-based delivery service that is committed to answering the challenges of long-distance shipping in Indonesia.
Send packages with various Paxel Delivery Services in one Paxel application starting from Same day delivery or Sameday Delivery, Nextday and Regular with FLAT delivery up to 5 kg, Paxel Instant to send packages within faster cities with cost-effective delivery. Also, Nextday and Regular delivery services, Lew@tBox service to PaxelBig for large packages weighing up to 20 kg and maximum size 80cm (one side).
You can also enjoy a new more economical delivery service, PaxelAmplop! Package delivery services up to 1.5 kg and a maximum dimension of A4 envelope size with a FLAT fee of 10K throughout Java.
Paxel's inter-city service is equipped with various cool features, including the Food Safe Guarantee feature and special handling for Frozen Food delivery, Real-Time tracking, checking same day delivery or sameday delivery costs, checking receipts or AWB easily. Also, a flexible delivery process where you can arrange pick-up and delivery times according to your needs.
In addition to creating shipments on the Paxel app, you can also visit the nearest expedition (Nearest Paxel Counter) from your location to send packages directly.
Also enjoy various other Paxel services in the Paxel application, such as the PaxelBox smart locker for storing goods or packages, PaxelMarket for Indonesian Culinary Tourism online, PaxelRecycle service that is an online shopping waste delivery service to be managed optimally by Paxel partners. Now you can buy phone credit and data packages from Telkomsel providers in the Paxel application, it's easy and there are lots of promos!
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