PaxelBox smart locker service has more uses that you can use as needed. Now PaxelBox can be used to store goods or packages, receive packages from any courier (drop-off), send packages, and also donate at once when renting a PaxelBox.
You can use this PaxelBox smart locker service by renting or creating shipments in the Paxel application. Equipped with various and updated features, making it is easier for you to use PaxelBox according to your needs.
In order to know more complete information on how to use PaxelBox, here's an easy and fast way to use PaxelBox for your various needs.
Not only storing the goods, but you can also now use PaxelBox in certain areas to store food, even Folding Bikes (Seli Box)! It's more convenient and flexible to use PaxelBox, now you can also rent PaxelBox with a choice of time duration ranging from daily, weekly to monthly. PaxelBox can be rented for long periods of up to 12 months!
Just take a look at the easy and fast way to rent a PaxelBox for the storage of goods or packages below.
PaxelBox can be used to drop off your shipments from Hero or any courier. When you want to receive a package at PaxelBox, make sure there is a PaxelBox in the area around you. The use of PaxelBox can be a solution for those of you who want to receive packages without physical contact. Here's how to receive packages easily and quickly on PaxelBox.
Send Lew@tBox packages is one of the newest features in the latest 2.6 version of the app. Now you can send packages via PaxelBox lockers by making deliveries on the “Lew@tBox” menu in the Paxel app. Here's a quick and easy way to send lew@tBox packages.
Try sending a package from PaxelBox in your area. When sending a Lew@tBox package, make sure you store the package in a PaxelBox locker at the estimated storage or delivery time you specified when creating the shipment.
Here's an easy and fast way to use PaxelBox to store goods or packages, receive packages, and send packages from PaxelBox lockers. Let's try PaxelBox right now to store goods and send packages on the Paxel application! Try Using PaxelBox Now!