There is a special year-end promo for #SahabatPaxel who likes to send packages and online culinary tours or order their favorite snacks online. Sending packages using Paxel Delivery Service can get PaxelMarket Discount Vouchers! Enjoy the Discount Voucher promo at PaxelMarket with a 10% discount and a 15% discount.
Valid until January 1, 2022, get the PaxelMarket Discount Voucher promo after successfully sending the package. You can save more on ordering your favorite snack at PaxelMarket by using the Discount Voucher promo. Send a package and get a PaxelMarket Discount Voucher promo with the following terms and conditions.
Let's be more enthusiastic about sending packages with Paxel Delivery Service and get a Discount Voucher promo at PaxelMarket! Enjoy #JajanBedaKota at PaxelMarket, there are various typical and legendary regional snacks to contemporary snacks from various cities.