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Package Packing Tips

Cek tips packing paket aman dan benar mulai dari packing frozen food, makanan mudah rusak, hingga barang pecah belah!

Claiming to be Sahabat Paxel but sending packages only using crackle bags? Come on, just check the tips so that you become the most super #SahabatPaxel! 😚

Don't forget, save and share these tips so your friends know too and send Sameday packages via Paxel!

1. Understand the Paxel Delivery Process

Paxel provides Sameday and Nextday delivery services, within the city as well as between cities.

Sameday Paxel delivery process is different from the Instant service. Paxel sends multiple packets at the same time. The delivery process from the sender's address to the recipient's address passes through the transit location first. Therefore, let's help Paxel to be able to send your package properly, namely by preparing a package that has been packaged properly, to maintain the quality of the package during delivery and not damage other packages.

Paxel has freezer and chiller facilities for Nextday shipments which require longer transit times so we can take care of your package during the transit process.


2. Understand the type of package to send

Don't know then don't love, this term also applies to the type of package you want to send. Here are the types of packages you can send via Paxel:

  1. Accessories
  2. Books & documents
  3. Health & beauty
  4. Toys & hobbies
  5. Frozen food
  6. Perishable foods (vegetables & fruit)
  7. Non-perishable Food & Snack
  8. Fashion & Apparel
  9. Sports & entertainment
  10. Precious Metal
  11. Electronics & gadgets
  12. Household & Homewares
  13. Automobile & Motorcycle


3. Each package at Paxel has its own AWB (airway bill)

Make sure Babang Hero pastes the AWB of your package during the pick-up process at the return address to ensure your package is not swap in transit before heading to the recipient's address.

Make sure you save and share the shipping AWB code with recipients to make tracking your package easier and encourage recipients to download Paxel so they can receive automatic delivery notifications

Shipment tracking can be done on the Paxel app or via the https://paxel.co/en/track-shipments page


4. Understand whether your package is FRAGILE or not

A fragile is a fragile package. If you send a broken package, you are required to report the package as fragile in the Paxel application so that we can take better care of your package during the shipping process.

Example of a fragile package:

  • Glass bottle
  • Ceramic/glass tableware
  • Items containing glass/ceramic

Don't forget to make sure the packaging of your package is good and safe to maintain the condition of the package during the shipping process.


5. Tips for packing FRAGILE packages

  1. Use a box with safe and strong material
  2. Use additional bubble wrap in the box to keep the package safe
  3. Make sure the box is filled and there is no vacuum so that it can withstand shocks, you can use additional bubble wrap/paper to fill the space between your items and the inside of the box.
  4. Make sure you report the package as fragile in the Paxel app


6. Understand the safe filling of packaged foods

Make sure the food is fully loaded and there is no vacuum to minimize food damage from shocks during the shipping process.

Because it has been confirmed, the package will continue to move until it reaches the destination address.

Good filling and packaging will make your food safer. You can add the contents of the food to make it fully, besides being safe, your customers will be happy.


7. Understand whether your package is FROZEN FOOD or not

Frozen food is processed/non-processed food that is frozen. Frozen foods that can be shipped via Paxel are those that last 14 hours at outdoor temperatures, for example:

  • Frozen meatballs
  • Frozen sausage
  • frozen somay
  • frozen durian

8. Tips for packing the FROZEN FOOD package

  1. Use coated plastic to prevent water or dew leakage from your frozen food
  2. Use an additional thermafreeze or ice gel to maintain the temperature of your frozen food products during the shipping process proses
  3. Use a box with safe and strong material
  4. Make sure the box is filled with no space so that it can withstand shocks, you can use additional bubble wrap/paper to fill the space between your items and the inside of the box
  5. If the product has been flavored, use dry seasoning or reduce the moisture content of the seasoning, then pack it in separate packaging and be safe from leakage
  6. Make sure you report the package as a frozen food item in the Paxel application
  7. During the delivery process, it is certain that the package will continue to move. Good packaging will make your frozen food safer


9. Understand whether your package is Perishable Food or Non-Perishable Food?

Perishable foods that can be shipped via Paxel are those that do not require freezer or chiller storage and last more than 24 hours at outdoor temperature, for example:

  • Canned food
  • Dry food

Perishable food that can be sent via Paxel is processed or fresh food (vegetables & fruit) which can last 14 hours at outdoor temperature, for example:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Pastry
  • Cuisine (cooked food)

10. Tips for packing packages of Non-Perishable Food and Perishable Foods (vegetables & fruit)

  1. 1. Use a box with a safe and strong material as an additional outer layer of food/cookies containers
  2. Make sure the box is filled with no space so that it can withstand the shock of travel, you can also use additional bubble wrap/paper to fill the space between your items and the inside of the box
  3. Make sure you report the package as a Perishable/Non-Perishable Food item in the Paxel app
  4. During the shipping process, it is certain that the package will continue to move. Good packaging will make the food or cookies in the container safer
Come on, download Paxel application now to send Sameday packages to and from cities with FLAT rates of up to 5 kg. Get a Paxel Credit bonus up to Cashback by downloading and creating your Paxel account.

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