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Zakat Fitrah - BAZNAS

Pay Zakat Al-Fitr through Baznas Here

#SahabatPaxel, let's pay your Zakat Fitrah immediately!

You can pay Zakat Al-Fitr since the beginning of Ramadan and no later than before the Eid prayer. While the distribution of Zakat Al-Fitr to mustahiq (zakat recipients) is held no later than before the Eid prayer.

You can pay Zakat Al-Fitr from home by paying online at BAZNAS (Amil Zakat National Agency). The Amil Zakat National Agency (BAZNAS) is the official and only body established by the Government based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2001 that has the task and function of collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and zakat. alms (ZIS) at the national level.

Zakat Al-Fitr must be paid to every soul, provided that they are Muslim, live during the month of Ramadan, and have excess sustenance or basic needs at night and Eid. The amount of zakat is rice or staple food weighing 2.5 kg or 3.5 liters per person.

Scholars, including Sheikh Yusuf Qardawi, allow zakat Al-Fitr to be paid in the form of money equivalent to 1 sha' of wheat, dates, or rice. Nominal Zakat Al-Fitr paid in the form of money, adjusts to the price of rice consumed.

Based on the Decree of the Head of BAZNAS Number 7 of 2021 concerning Zakat Al-Fitr and Fidyah for the Capital Region of Jakarta and its surroundings, the value of Zakat Al-Fitr is determined to be equivalent to Rp. 40.000,-/day/person.

Zakat Fitrah will be distributed by BAZNAS in the form of rice to mustahiq (zakat recipients), including vulnerable families who are experiencing difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Zakat Fitrah is a zakat that must be issued by every soul, both female and male Muslims, which is carried out in the month of Ramadan on Eid al-Fitr. As the hadith of Ibn Umar RA,

"Rasulullah SAW mewajibkan zakat fitrah satu sha’ kurma atau satu sha’ gandum atas umat muslim; baik hamba sahaya maupun merdeka, laki-laki maupun perempuan, kecil maupun besar. Beliau saw memerintahkannya dilaksanakan sebelum orang-orang keluar untuk shalat.” (HR Bukhari Muslim)

In addition to purifying oneself after performing worship in the month of Ramadan, Zakat Al-Fitr can also be interpreted as a form of concern for the poor, sharing a sense of happiness and victory on Hari Raya that can be felt by all people, including the poor.

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