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Here's What You Need When Packing Frozen Food

Here are the tools needed to safely package Frozen Food, from the right containers, ice gels, to sturdy boxes!

Currently send Frozen Food out of town and within the city is one of the things that is often done both for individual and business needs. With its easy and practical serving, Frozen Food becomes an alternative for many people to eat or snack at home.

Sending Frozen Food requires special attention in delivery and packaging. Because, when packing Frozen Food requires packaging and equipment that is different from shipping usually such as goods or durable food.

Therefore, it is important for you to understand how to pack frozen food correctly before sending Frozen Food. Here are some of the equipment needed to pack Frozen Food properly and precisely.

1. Nylon Plastic or Plastic Vacuum

Before packing even Frozen Food shipments, make sure you have packed Frozen Food with the right packaging or container. In keeping Frozen Food safe and maintained in quality, you must use tightly sealed and airtight packaging.

Nylon plastic or plastic vacuum is a type of plastic that is commonly used to package frozen foods or frozen food. Nylon plastic has many advantages for Frozen Food ranging from preventing the growth of microorganisms, the material is strong enough that it is not easily damaged or leaked and is able to maintain the quality of your food.

2. Ice Gel and Aluminum Foil Envelope

In keeping Frozen Food's temperature maintained during delivery, you need ice gel and aluminum foil envelopes when packing safely for your Frozen Food. You can place your food in the middle of the ice gel where you coat the ice gel on the bottom and top of your food. After that, you can wrap it with Bubble Wrap and put it in an Aluminum Foil Envelope.

  • Read More: Features and Services When Sending Food via Paxel That You Need to Know!
3. Cardboard Box with Strong Material

After wrapped neatly and safely, put your Frozen Food in a cardboard box without leaving an empty space. If there is an empty space in your cardboard box, you can use cardboard pieces or pieces of paper to fill the empty space on the package. After that, make sure your package is firmly taped.

Adding extra security, you can use cardboard boxes that have strong materials to keep your food safer during the delivery process. Make sure you use a cardboard box that matches your product so that it does not leave empty space. Or, you can also add pieces of paper or patchwork to fill the blank space on the cardboard box.

Here are the equipment needed for the Frozen Food packaging that you want to send. With safe and proper packing can keep your Frozen Food safe and maintained quality. You can order online Packing Frozen Food equipment from home at PaxelMarket! Frozen Food packing packages are available with bubble wrap, Ice gel, or Amplop Metal Bubble, to Box Paxel (Paxel Cardboard).

In ensuring your food is safe to destination, you can use a trusted delivery service that has a fast delivery time duration. One of them is the Paxel delivery service that has a variety of services ranging from Sameday delivery to Frozen delivery.

Paxel provides special handling of Frozen Food delivery by having cooling facilities such as Chiller and Freezer during the transit process to the cooling truck in the delivery process. In addition, Paxel also has a Food Safe Guarantee feature that guarantees your food package reaches the recipient safely.

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