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5 Ways To Attract Customers To Buy Your Online Business Products

Check out some ways to attract customers to buy the products of the online business that you run.

In selling included in online business, there is indeed a phase where your selling products are not always crowded and sometimes empty of customers. Not only offers quality products, but it also takes the right way and strategy to attract customers to buy your sales products. As it is known that many things influence the decision in buying a product online.

Therefore, it needs the right way and strategy to attract customers to buy your products online business. Starting from how to market products to choose the right delivery service.

With the right way and strategy can easily develop the business you live in today to compete with similar competitors. Well, here's how you can do to attract customers to buy products in your online business store.

1. Provide The Clear Info Through Product Images and Descriptions

In shopping online, product photos are real products when shopping offline. So that your customers can know the info about the products they want to buy as well as in an offline store, it is important that you provide good photo quality for your sales products. In addition to a good and interesting product image photo, you also need to provide an image about the details of your selling product.

In addition, you can provide complete information on the product description or product image caption. You can attract customers by providing a clear and concise product description with a writing style tailored to your online business target market. With complete and clear information that you provide will make your customers feel satisfied and decide faster to buy your selling products.

2. Active on Social Media

Social media has many advantages for online businesses ranging from increasing customer loyalty and brand awareness, gaining new customers to increasing the number of purchases. Social media becomes a place for you to interact with your customers which can be a new insight for your business. You can actively use Social Media by consistently uploading content, creating interesting and creative content, to responsive to answer questions, and respond to complaints.

3. Give Promos At Certain Times

A big day or a certain day can be your opportunity to increase sales turnover, such as Indonesia's Independence Day until a certain day such as 12.12. In addition to utilizing certain days, you can also provide promos at the specified time that can increase your sales such as a free shipping fee with a minimum of certain purchases to provide bundling package promos.

You can also optimize your business by joining Paxelin Club 2.0 which provides various benefits for your business. There are various benefits that you can get when you become a Paxelin Club member, one of which is the benefit of discounted shipping costs during your membership period or a full year. You can use these advantages to attract customers through discounted postage promos.

4. Have Many Customer Testimonials

The existence of customer testimonials can increase the confidence of your prospective customers to buy your sales products. A high sense of trust in your online business will give you the opportunity for your sales products to be purchased more quickly.

In getting good testimonials from customers, make sure you provide the best quality of products and services ranging from responding to customer chats, packing packages safely and fast delivery, to packing products that are neat and also safe. Well, if you are just starting an online business, you can ask for testimonials from your family or those closest to you who use your sales products.

5. Provide Fast Delivery Services

Long delivery time is one of the factors that determine customer satisfaction in your online business. Make sure your online business chooses the right and trusted delivery service to send your sales products. You can send sameday packages, to Instant with Paxel delivery service as per your needs.

You can send your sales products between cities with fast Sameday delivery as well as FLAT delivery cost, Frozen Food delivery with cooling facilities, to Instant delivery for intracity delivery for only 2 hours (S&K Applies). In addition, there are still various other delivery services that you can enjoy in the Paxel application and features that facilitate your delivery processes such as Quick Shipment feature, check AWB, and check the shipping fee in one Paxel application.

In addition to sending packages quickly using Sameday delivery service to Instant delivery, do not forget to pack safely and neatly so that your customers feel satisfied and allow your customers to share it on social media which can be a free promotion for your online business.

Those are some ways to attract customers to buy your business products online. You can apply this method that you can determine according to your business needs.

Come on, the passion for your business continues to grow! Download Paxel application to send your products Same day with FLAT rate of up to 5 kg. Sellers are more profit, get Paxel Credit BONUS to Cashback by downloading and creating your Paxel account.

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